Buku sugiyono 2014
Buku sugiyono 2014

The research methods used are quantitative comparatively with the quasi-experiments in the form of a Nonequivalent control group. The purpose of this research is to learn the students ' learning outcomes in writing the explanation text based on digital media and the different methods STAD +3R based digital media with STAD. The writing that corresponds to KI KD is one of the explanation text.

buku sugiyono 2014 buku sugiyono 2014

The research was backed by Permendikbud number 37 the year 2018, students need to master the technology in writing, thus it takes the right learning method in line with the Permendikbud, researchers offer a method of innovative study that is the method of the STAD + 3R based digital media.

Buku sugiyono 2014